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Title: Narzędzia interaktywne jako metoda skutecznego nauczania fizyki w szkole średniej
Authors: Kimla, Damian
Advisor: Zioło, Jerzy
Keywords: nauczanie fizyki; piloty interaktywne
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski
Abstract: The Doctoral Dissertation titled Interactive Tools as a Method o f Effective Teaching o f Physics in high Schools is the result of 3-year study conducted simultaneously in two schools. The studies concern the use of the PRS system, which is a set of interactive remote control tools, allowing for simultaneous responses of students. The system gives the teacher an opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback at any time during the classes. This is also apparent with regard to the students who may receive a correct answer to a question they have just heard. The research proved the educational effectiveness of the PRS system, as the group of students taught with the interactive methods achieved much better results than the other two groups which were taught in a conventional way. Being constantly focused on the material taught is one out of many positive effects the PRS system had on the students, who were unaware when they would be asked a question. As it turned out, using the system of interactive remote controls is beneficial for both the students and their teacher. The received feedback allows for further development and improvement of the teacher’s working methods. In other words, this is valuable feedback that may be used by the teacher to learn how to teach the students more effectively.
Appears in Collections:Rozprawy doktorskie (WNŚiT)

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