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Tytuł: The role of determinism and free will in unfairness in school
Autor: Góźdź, Joanna
Słowa kluczowe: cheating; determinism; free will
Data wydania: 2019
Źródło: New Educational Review, Vol. 56, no. 2 (2019), s. 195-203
Abstrakt: The Role of Determinism and Free Will in Unfairness in SchoolDOI: 10.15804/tner.2019.56.2.16AbstractThe purpose of the conducted studies was to elaborate a questionnaire of attitudes towards cheating in school and investigate the relation between determinism and free will and attitudes towards unfairness in school. In order to elaborate on the questionnaire of attitudes towards cheating in school, Study 1 was carried out among 198 adolescents – students of technical schools and high schools. The elaborated tool was characterised by satisfying psychometric properties. Study 2, in which 107 students participated, examined the role of belief in free will and determinism as factors related to attitudes towards cheat-ing in school. The study showed ambivalent results between variables. The only factor that was clearly positively related to negative attitudes towards cheating was scientific determinism.
DOI: 10.15804/tner.2019.56.2.16
ISSN: 1732-6729
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (WNS)

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