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dc.contributor.advisorKisiel, Mirosław-
dc.contributor.advisorChrist, Magdalena-
dc.contributor.authorSłyk, Urszula-
dc.description.abstractThe doctoral dissertation entitled „The innovative musical workshops in the process of developing students' creative attitude and their creativeness in the early school education” describes the innovative methods of leading the integrated, musical, and extracurricular classes at the first level of education. In this educational process the impact has been put on developing the creative attitude and students' creativity by active training in the form of musical workshops during the school classes. In the theoretical part of the dissertation, a child/schoolchild was discussed in the musical world and accomplishing change of surrounding environment. The profile of general and musical development of the learner has been brought forward. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of pupils' musical activity from a historical background were referred to as well as in the reference to the present. In further part, instructive, educational and social values of students' creative expression were described as well as activating methods and techniques of teaching in primary school. The characteristic of particular methodological concepts stimulating musical activity of a child was introduced and the idea of neurodidactic as a friendly teaching conception of the brain was approached. In the next part, pupils' musical output at early school stage was presented and their artistic activity in the light of curricular principles and selected manuals and guidebooks to teaching music at school. Therapeutic determinants of productive musical activities of children were formulated as well as the attention was paid to the role of extracurricular environment in developing productive process and creative activity. In the last chapter the idea of a school as a favourable medium developing creative activity of a child was presented. The role of the teacher as a productive initiator of child's musical creative activity was marked as well as the reference to the meaning of educational media as an advantageous or disruptive agent, which stimulates the process of creative activity in early childhood education, was made. In the methodological part of the dissertation, the aims and the subject of the research were presented. Research problems of undertaken explorations and research hypotheses, variables and indicators were described and on their basis the analysis of the research material was made. Pedagogical experiment was used as the research method of undertaken exploratory activity. In the offered experiment, Stuart Mill's method of difference was essential. Transverse variant was used to measure the study only single-time, every second month of the experiment and the subsidiary variable of particular classes unit according to the experiment scheme of two parallel groups was presented and longitudinal variant which allowed to observe the dynamical change after three years of influencing experimental factor was introduced. Observation and interview were helpful techniques. Presented explorations in the dissertation were concerning on diagnosis of musical hearing and musical abilities in: singing and practicing the speech, playing on instruments, listening to music, movement to the accompaniment of music as well as diagnosis of originality in thinking - creative imagination. The interview with the pupil showed his approach to music. During three years of teaching, students were stimulated by creative musical workshops programme. Changes in the development of productive and creative activity approach were verified in the aspect of artistic performance and behaviour of students what was recorded in the course of the observation (individual and group). The effectiveness of applied research procedure was also tested (the innovative musical workshops in the process of developing students' creative attitude and their creativeness during integrated, musical and extracurricular classes.) In the dissertation, the attention was paid to neglected sphere of musical education not only in the span of developing students' productive and creative activity attitude, but also in developing students' musical interests at the early stage of school education, which are rather being discouraged with time to take up any artistic activity. In presented work, a crucial role of the teacher as a promoter of the artistic life in school environment and the need of updating and broadening his knowledge to undertake the challenge and self-improvement in this area has been pointed. The essential area of empirical part of this work was about presenting undertaken activities within author's productive musical workshops programme using innovative approach to musical and integrated classes. In this chapter the analysis of productive musical activity of early school children was presented. The characteristic of undertaken pedagogical activities in studied experimental and controlled group was made. The results of the initial experiment research (pretest) and final (postest) of studied experimental and controlled group were presented. The view of changes in individual capture of studied students' from the experimental group within three years' time period of realization the innovative programme of „ Productive musical workshops” and the feedback of the participants of musical and integrated classes were shown. In the final part of this dissertation, the performance review was made. It was stated that the aims of the research evoked in the conception phase had been carried out and the applied pedagogical experiment as well as the subsidiary techniques (observation and interview) let to get measurable effects and to study relations between the variables. Detailed hypotheses formed in the concept phase were positively verified. During the research the utility of gained research results in pedagogical practice was taken into consideration therefore valuable postulates were found for the pedagogical practice. Gathered material can inspire to have a reflection over the individual effects of teacher's work or can be a worthy source for further study and solutions within developing students' productive attitude during integrated and musical classes in order to cause beneficial changes in their behaviour and giving them necessary emotional and social competences to live in the civilization.pl_PL
dc.publisherKatowice : Uniwersytet Śląskipl_PL
dc.subjectwarsztaty muzycznepl_PL
dc.subjectnauczanie początkowepl_PL
dc.titleInnowacyjne warsztaty muzyczne w procesie rozwijania postawy twórczej i kreatywności uczniów edukacji wczesnoszkolnejpl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Rozprawy doktorskie (WNS)

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