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dc.contributor.authorRadosz, Jolanta-
dc.identifier.citationGeographia. Studia et Dissertationes, T. 32 (2010), s. 35-55pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe area of the Ojców National Park is attractive in respect of touristic and educational reasons. Therefore the author made an analysis leading to present the degree of valley ventilation in its northern and central parts. The acceptation of valley ventilation model of E. K ap s (1955) modified by K. B ła ż ejcz yk (1975) forced to make morphometric characteristics of main and tributary valleys (tab. 2—4, fig. 4—10). The analysis of wind structure was carried out basing on data taken from the station in Ojców (fig. 3). Calculations made for 120 cross- profiles (fig. 1) proved that the values of effective ventilation index are located in six from seven intensity degrees of air flow (tab. 1). Their spatial distribution is varied (fig. 2). Surfaces of weak air flow most often occur (30.1—60.0), against their background areas of satisfactory (60.1—90.0), rather strong (>90) up to very strong ventilation (>150.0) are distinguished as well. The upper sections of valleys, located in the neighbourhood of morphological saddles and some flat-bottomed sections are very strongly ventilated. Weak (30.1—60.0) or very weak (15.1—30.0) air flow takes place in V-shaped valleys of different degree of opening. Unusually low index values (15.1—30.0) representing air flow in ravine of the Prądnik and Sąspówka valleys can arouse doubt, because large wind velocities were here stated (K lei n, 1974). The presented method can be applied in the evaluation of wind comfort in touristically managed areas, especially in connection with the type of human activity: walking pace, time of being in defined position in view points, at information, educational tables, rest places. But to apply it data representing the wind field of analysed place are necessary.pl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectOjcowski Park Narodowypl_PL
dc.subjectprzewietrzanie dolinpl_PL
dc.titlePrzewietrzanie dolin w świetle warunków morfologicznych Ojcowskiego Parku Narodowegopl_PL
dc.relation.journalGeographia. Studia et Dissertationespl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (WNP)

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