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Tytuł: Textaufnahme der antike Autoren im mittelalterlichen Irland. Problemeinleitung
Autor: Bartnik, Agnieszka
Słowa kluczowe: Irish literature; reception; mediaeval; Ireland; ancient authors
Data wydania: 2014
Źródło: Scripta Classcia, Vol. 11 (2014), s. 41-53
Abstrakt: The Irish literary legacy, as well as the Roman one, belongs to the one of the oldest legacies in Europe. Among numerous Irish texts preserved until today, the most interesting seems to be Imtheahta Aeniasa, Togail Troi, Merugud Uilix, Cath Catharda and Togail na Tebe. These works were the Irish versions of Eneida, De Excidio Troiae Historia, Bellum Civilum by Lukanus and Statius by Thebaid. Slight differences which can be noticed in Irish texts result from the fact that the texts were written in prose and the specificy of their language. In general, some like Cath Catharda were very precise copy of Roman text but others seems very original.
ISSN: 1732-3509
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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