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Tytuł: O pewnej tendencji (współczesnego) kina francuskiego… "Kino przedmieść" i jego wizualne parateksty na przykładzie "Nienawiści" Mathieu Kassovitza i "Nieustraszonej" Danielle Arbid
Autor: Budzik, Justyna Hanna
Kasprzak, Marta
Słowa kluczowe: film education; poster; paratexts; suburb cinema; cinéma de banlieue
Data wydania: 2020
Źródło: "Panoptikum" nr 23 (220), s. 150-167
Abstrakt: In this paper we elaborate on the educational use of film posters understood as film paratexts in Gérard Genette’s theory as well as in later media research. The subject of our research is cinéma de banlieue – a French film movement that situates the protagonists not only spatially, but also socially (such as La Haine, dir. M. Kassovitz, 1995, Entre les murs, dir. L. Cantet, 2008, Peur de rien, dir. D. Arbid, 2015, and Dheepan, dir. J. Audiard, 2015). By analyzing film paratexts, we include these materials in the context of cultural representations of the Parisian suburbs. Our research is established in educational and academic practice whose essential part is the in-depth work with the paratexts conducted by students and facilitated by the lecturer.
DOI: 10.26881/pan.2020.23.11
ISSN: 1730–7775
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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