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dc.contributor.advisorKunce, Aleksandra-
dc.contributor.authorMarkiewicz, Miłosz-
dc.description.abstractThe proposed thesis aims to analyze the category of community within posthuman thought. As part of my considerations, I address the issue of the community as an onto-epistemological category, which funds the posthuman optics, in particular focusing on crossing various dualisms sanctioned by the category of non-presence that characterizes the ecological crisis. In my understanding, humanism needs supplementation in the form of posthumanism, if we are to counteract the effects of the ecological crisis effectively. It is one of the most important contemporary philosophical issues. It cannot be undertaken without thinking of a posthuman community. In the first part of my thesis, I attempt to sketch the subjective cartography of posthumanism. I focus primarily on those issues that will underlie my further considerations – on the conceptual personae of Man and posthumanist ways of dismantling it. I also try to describe the issue of post-anthropocentric point of view and ask about the possibility of cognitive departure from Cartesian dualism. In the second part, I indicate that the ecological crisis is caused by onto-epistemological blindness (described by me in the category of non-presence), which funded humanism and modernity. I point to phenomena that seemingly have a variety of provenance, but they all turn out to be assembled within the intra-active relationships. The aim of this part is, therefore, a particular diagnosis of reality, which is to be the starting point for the description of a posthuman community based precisely on this type of networked relationships. The examples I rise often relate to the Polish context, because on the one hand it is best known to me, and on the other hand it seems to harmonize with the idea of feminist politics of location and the standpoint theory, which in my opinion are crucial for understanding the post-anthropocentric point of view. In the third part of the thesis, I focus on the posthuman approach to the community category. As a starting point, I take the existing concepts of the community and the helplessness accompanying them. I claim that the aporias, which are characteristic of the current philosophy of the community, are also associated with the ecological crisis described in earlier parts of the thesis. I point out that the bridge between existing community concepts and the posthumanist proposal can be found in the thoughts of Jean-Luc Nancy and his notion of the ontological community. It is only this diagnosis that allows me to describe more broadly the novelty that community thinking introduces in the post-anthropocentric posthumanism. I then describe the onto-epistemological dimension of the posthuman community, and then I propose supporting it with an activist, affirmative dimension, which I call eco-logic. It is an attempt to re-lecture in a posthuman manner the oikology – the philosophy of home proposed by Polish philosophers: Tadeusz Sławek, Aleksandra Kunce, and Zbigniew Kadłubek.pl_PL
dc.publisherKatowice : Uniwersytet Śląskipl_PL
dc.subjectkryzys ekologicznypl_PL
dc.subjectwspólnota (ontoepistemologia)pl_PL
dc.titleEko-logika : pojmowanie wspólnoty w perspektywie posthumanizmupl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Rozprawy doktorskie (W.Hum.)

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