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Tytuł: Media influence on children and adolescents
Autor: Juszczyk, Stanisław
Słowa kluczowe: media influence; media literacy
Data wydania: 2004
Źródło: "The New Educational Review" 2004, no. 2, s. 93-110
Abstrakt: In the work a discussions focused on negative influences of the media on children and adolescents. The following domains of influence have been described: violence and its three effects: copycat violence, desensitization and catharsis; aggressive behaviour, sexual content, body image and self-esteem as well as physical health and school performance. The media change the system of humanistic values and attitudes of children and adolescents. In order to prevent the dangerous influence of the media parents and educators should advocate a safer media environment for children and adolescents through media literacy.
ISSN: 1732-6729
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (WNS)

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