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DC poleWartośćJęzyk
dc.contributor.authorPrzybyla, Olga-
dc.identifier.citation"Z Teorii i Praktyki Dydaktycznej Języka Polskiego" (2018), T. 27, s. 139-162pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the article is to present the problem of the functioning of the student with disorders in the development of coordination (dyspraxia) in Polish language classes. Basing on the analysis of linguistic material (the sample included selected activities in the field of Polish language education: techniques for mastering reading and writing, as well as communication skills and language skills related to the creation of oral and written speeches) and literature on the subject, problems related to reading and writing experienced by children with sensory‑based motor disorders were presented. The discussed clinical trials pointed to deficits in the processing of visual and auditory stimuli in their temporal desynchronization with tactile‑proprioceptive- kinesthetic modalities. The problems that dyspraxics encounter in the case of speaking and reading activities result from the insufficient mastery of the auditory or visual pattern of a word, and insufficient auditory‑visual‑sensory‑motoric memory.pl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Na tych samych warunkach 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectPolish language educationpl_PL
dc.subjectwriting difficultiespl_PL
dc.subjectdifficulties in writingpl_PL
dc.titleTrudności w czytaniu i pisaniu dzieci z zburzeniami motorycznymi o podłożu sensorycznym, czyli uczeń z dyspraksją na lekcjach języka polskiegopl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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