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DC poleWartośćJęzyk
dc.contributor.authorIlska, Michalina-
dc.contributor.authorPrzybyła-Basista, Hanna-
dc.identifier.citationChowanna, T. 2, (2015), s. 161-182pl_PL
dc.description.abstractRapid development of the ultrasound technology enables visualization of the fetus with an increasing precision. The USG images in two, three or four dimensions help pregnant women to visualize the baby, to empower it and develop a maternal-fetal bonding. The objective of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to provide a concise state of the art of the role of visual communication in the formation of parenting bonds in the prenatal period of child development. Secondly, to present authors’ own research results on the role of USG images for the development of parenting in the prenatal period. The research work which has led to the results reported in this paper was qualitative in nature and involved 11 pregnant women or women who had already given birth to a child. The obtained results confirm the hypothesis that USG visualization is favorable for the development of a positive parental-fetal bonding, it helps parents accept their parenting role and enables them to better prepare to it and develop the first interaction with their baby.pl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectvisual culturepl_PL
dc.subjectparenting in prenatal period of child developmentpl_PL
dc.subjectmaternal-fetal bondingpl_PL
dc.subjectUSG photospl_PL
dc.titleKultura wizualna a kształtowanie się rodzicielstwa w prenatalnym okresie rozwoju dzieckapl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (WNS)

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