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Tytuł: Importance of the institution of marriage for polish and Slovak students
Autor: Juszczyk-Frelkiewicz, Katarzyna
Słowa kluczowe: family; marriage
Data wydania: 2013
Źródło: "The New Educational Review" 2013, no. 4, s. 321-331
Abstrakt: The article presents a selected aspect of broader sociological empirical research into the issues of family and the phenomenon of cohabitation conducted among the students of the University of Constantine the Philosopher in the Republic of Slovakia and of the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. The presented analysis of the survey research results focuses on the determination of the importance of the institution of marriage for the youth belonging to academic environment. The results of the research have proven that in spite of the increasing level of liberalisation of marriage and family life a large percentage of students both from Poland and Slovakia perceived marriage as a valuable institution of high importance to the questioned individuals.
ISSN: 1732-6729
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (WNS)

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