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dc.contributor.authorMoruś, Martyna-
dc.contributor.authorBaran, Monika-
dc.contributor.authorRost-Roszkowska, Magdalena-
dc.contributor.authorSkotnicka-Graca, Urszula-
dc.identifier.citation"Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica " 2014, no. 5, s. 701-707pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe stem cells thanks to their ability of unlimited division number or transformation into different cell types creating organs, are responsible for regeneration processes. Depending on the organism in which the stem cells exists, they divide to the plant or animal ones. The later group includes the stem cells existing in both embryoís and adult humanís organs. It includes, among others, epidermal stem cells, located in the hair follicle relieves and also in its basal layers, and responsible for permanent regeneration of the epidermis. Temporary science looks for method suitable for stimulation of the epidermis stem cells, amongst the other by delivery of e.g., growth factors for proliferation that decrease with the age. One of the methods is the use of the plant cell culture technology, including a number of methods that should ensure growth of plant cells, issues or organs in the environment with the microorganism-free medium. It uses abilities of the different plant cells to dedifferentiation into stem cells and coming back to the pluripotent status. The extracts obtained this way from the plant stem cells are currently used for production of both common or professional care cosmetics. This work describes exactly impact of the plant stem cell extract, coming from one type of the common apple tree (Uttwiler Spatlauber) to human skin as one of the first plant sorts, which are used in cosmetology and esthetic dermatology.pl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectstem cellspl_PL
dc.subjectplant stem cellspl_PL
dc.titlePlant stem cells as innovation in cosmeticspl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (WNP)

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