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Tytuł: Metaphors of society and ways of exerting influence in socio-environmental conflicts related to mining
Autor: Belzyt, Joanna I.
Badera, Jarosław
Słowa kluczowe: conflict management; mineral extraction; theatre of life
Data wydania: 2018
Źródło: "Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Organizacja i Zarządzanie", Z. 119, 2018, s. 31-45
Abstrakt: This publication shows possible ways of perception (metaphors) of social conflicts related to mining projects, as well as ways of managing conflict from the point of view of psychology and the adopted model of social relations. Basing on examples known to the authors, it analyzes the possibility of using the described methods of exerting influence in prevention and resolving existing conflicts. This is of fundamental importance for shaping the state's and enterprises' policies regarding raw materials policy which would be consistent with the principles of sustainable development.
ISSN: 1641-3466
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (WNP)

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