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dc.contributor.authorFaliszek, Krystyna-
dc.contributor.authorLeśniak-Berek, Ewa-
dc.contributor.authorPawlas-Czyż, Sabina-
dc.identifier.citationKultura i Edukacja, Nr 5 (2011), s. 106-124pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the following article, which addresses the issue of seeking standards on education for the profession of the social worker, is an attempt to focus on the abilities to employ the professional competences of the social worker in practice, at the Social Work College in the Institute of Sociology, University of Silesia in Katowice. The article contains an analysis of a series of social projects, designed by students, to professionally help individuals, families and communities overcome their life difficulties and regain their abilities to manage them independently in the future. The principal elements of the analysis of the supportive actions suggested in the projects were: methodological action, choice of methods of social work and suggested solutions to social problems preceded by a diagnosis of deficiencies and resources of individual local communities. The conclusions drawn after the analysis pertain to the dominant methods of social work applied in the implemented solutions, conditions for connecting a few methods and conclusions on the roles of the social worker, realized in the planned actions. The clear dominance of functions and roles connected with modern, supportive social work proves that the range of professional roles of the social worker extends, and is not limited to the role of the resources administrator only. In addressing the discussed issues, additional data were collected. These data reflected outcomes of the sample projects implemented in practical solutions to actual social problems, providing feedback on students’ competences and skills in integrating the theoretical knowledge with practical actions.pl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectSocial workpl_PL
dc.subjectsocial projectpl_PL
dc.subjecta professionalpl_PL
dc.subjectmethods of social workpl_PL
dc.subjectsocial work practicepl_PL
dc.titleEducation for Social Work on the Example of Social Projects by Students of Social Work College in Institute of Sociology at University of Silesiapl_PL
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