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Tytuł: Sens w maszynie : Buster Keaton i "Generał"
Autor: Masłoń, Sławomir
Słowa kluczowe: Buster Keaton; Henri Bergson
Data wydania: 2017
Źródło: Kwartalnik Filmowy, Nr 99 (2017), s. 172-180
Abstrakt: In his article, Masłoń argues against such interpretations of Buster Keaton’s “The General” (1926), that portray the film as a criticism of mechanization, and thus the dehumanization of human life in the modern world. Starting with Bergson’s definition, for whom the essence of comedy is “the mechanics of life”, and taking into account the romantic origins of this definition (ideas of organic art, sentimental interior, etc.), the author tries to show that, contrary to the tradition, it is precisely “soulless” body presented in the film that is of interest, and that that very body, rather than spontaneous spirituality, is the source of the autonomy of the main character and his poetic charm. Moreover, taking into the account the form of the film, only the “mechanically” constructed slapstick theme – based on the chase, and the process of Johnny becoming a machine– can be considered self-sufficient, even though it is “polluted” by the allegedly organic, sentimental and heroic conventions. In this manner (both in content and form) the film refers to simplifications of spontaneity and organic sentimentality, and can also be considered as an evaluation of this side fighting in the American civil war whose identity refers to this type of values.
ISSN: 0452-9502
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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