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dc.contributor.advisorBernasiewicz, Maciej-
dc.contributor.authorGłupczyk, Grzegorz-
dc.description.abstractThe subject of research of the doctoral dissertation covers preventive activities carried out in socially disadvantaged environments. A need to organize and conduct activities in the field of social prevention, especially the prevention of risky behavior, in the community the need was repeatedly mentioned in scientific works in the field of social pedagogy. Particularly important are the positions that emphasize a need to organize activities based on a synergistic model, indicating the social context of the activities carried out and cooperation. These elements were a starting point for my own scientific analysis. The research I conducted was focused on the analysis of needs, possibilities and limitations in the scope of creating systemic preventive solutions in disadvantaged environments. During the research, I analyzed the experiences of various institutions implementing prevention in socially disadvantaged areas. The experiences of nongovernmental organizations were most important to me, but I also researched schools and other institutions. The activity undertaken has a double justification: it is the same as the current paradigm in the area of social pedagogy, and moreover, it is an attempt to respond to the evolution of risky behaviors among young people, especially those who come from disadvantaged environments. The conducted research was a qualitative approach. The analysis of individual experiences of local institutions and organizations and their experiences related to the implementation of effective preventive strategies was more complete in this approach. The area of my own research was socially disadvantaged environments. I conducted research in three Silesian cities, and the research were based on individual interviews, group interviews, as well as observation and analysis of texts. The presented doctoral dissertation is a part of the stream of improving preventive, it can also be an interesting theoretical and empirical study, which is a new approach to the prevention of risky behaviors. The final stage of my research activity was to develop a model for the prevention of risky behaviors in the local environment. This model combines methodological, organizational, logistic and law elements. I believe that such an approach to the proposed model prevention of risky behaviors in disadvantaged environments will be facilitated by its implementation into pedagogical practice.pl_PL
dc.publisherKatowice : Uniwersytet Śląskipl_PL
dc.subjectprofilaktyka społecznapl_PL
dc.titleProfilaktyka zachowań ryzykownych młodzieży w środowiskach defaworyzowanych społeczniepl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Rozprawy doktorskie (WNS)

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