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dc.contributor.authorBesler, Gabriela-
dc.description.abstractScholz, Tarski, Lukasiewicz, and Bochenski -theyare definitelygiantsof logic. Scholz's and Polish logicians correspondence is preserved in the Universitats- und Landesbibliothek Munster (Germany) and testifies to a successful international scholarly collaboration. So far, little is known about the subject since only a few letters have been published. More archival work is to be done.pl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectHeinrich Scholzpl_PL
dc.subjectGroup from Münsterpl_PL
dc.subjectLvov- Warsaw Schoolpl_PL
dc.titleCollaboration of Polish Logicians with Heinrich Scholz and “Group from Münster” (1932-1956)pl_PL
dc.description.referencesBurdman-Feferman, A.B., Feferman S., Alfred Tarski. Life and Logic, Cambridge University Press 2004. Jadacki: The Lvov-Warsaw School and Austro-German Philosophers. Two Cases. In: The Significance of the Lvov-Warsaw School in the European Culture. Eds: A. Brożek, F. Stadler, J. Woleński. Springer 2017. Heitfeld-Rydzik, B. (2020, March 4). Ver(w)irrende Logik. Nachlässe von Gottlob Frege und Ernst Schröder seit Ende des 2. Weltkriegs verschollen. Peckhaus V. : Heinrich Scholz. In: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Fall 2018 Edition. Ed. E.N. Zalta, (access: 1.04.2019). Schmidt H.-Ch. am Busch, K.F. Wehmeier: On the Relations between Heinrich Scholz and Jan Łukasiewicz. „History and Philosophy of Logic” 2007, vol. 28, p. 67–68. Scholz H. : Abriss der Geschichte der Logik. Berlin, Junker und Dünnhaupt, 1931.München, Karl Alber 1956. Schreiber P.: O zwiazkach Heinricha Scholza z logikami polskimi. In: Matematyka Polska w stuleciu 1851-1950. (Ed. St. Fudali) Uniwersytet Szczecin 1995. Schreiber P.: Über Beziehungen zwischen Heinrich Scholz und polnischen Logikern. In: Mathematik im Wandel, Bd. 1 (Hrsg. M. Toepell), Verlag Franzbecker, Hildesheim-Berlin 1998.pl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Materiały konferencyjne (W.Hum.)

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