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On the Possibility of Acquisitive Prescription by the State of Real Properties Unlawfully Seized under the Provisions of the 1944 Agrarian Reform Decree 54

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On the Possibility of Acquisitive Prescription by the State of Real Properties Unlawfully Seized under the Provisions of the 1944 Agrarian Reform Decree 0 1 0 2 1 0 9

Pobrane pliki

Fiedorczyk_Stawarska-Rippel_On_the_Possibility_of_Acquisitive.pdf 48

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Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki 27
Polska 7
Irlandia 6
Australia 5
Wietnam 3
Hiszpania 1
Chorwacja 1
Iran 1
Rumunia 1

Najwięcej odwiedzin z danego miasta

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Katowice 5
Dublin 4
Mountain View 4
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Menlo Park 3
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