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dc.contributor.advisorWuwer, Arkadiusz-
dc.contributor.authorPiec, Tomasz-
dc.description.abstractThe studies carried out in this dissertation was aimed at developing a coherent position resulting from the social teaching of the Church in relation to the phenomena of consumerism and anti-consumerism. One of the intentions was also to present the concept of the "culture of temperance" resultant from the social teaching of the Church (analysis of postulates expressed, among others, in social encyclicals Sollicitudo rei socialis, Centesimus annus, Caritas in veritate, Laudato si', Fratelli tutti), in order to finally compare the postulates/lifestyles of "secular" ideologies with the social teaching of the Church. The question to be answered was: Do the postulates of the contestationist (anti-consumerist) movements have the same scope of meaning as the "culture of temperance" postulated by the social teaching of the Church? If these scopes are not the same, then what makes them different? If they do overlap, on what level can and should a dialogue between them take place? Is a universal synthesis of this postulate coming from two different (economic-social and theological-moral) worlds possible? Thesis 1. It is unjustified to reduce consumptionism solely to a reevaluation of material consumption motivated by hedonism; Thesis 2: Giving up on possessions does not in itself perfect human, if it does not contribute to his moral development and enrichment of his "being"; Thesis 3: The postulates of anti-consumerist ideology do not have the same scope of meaning as the "anti-consumerist" postulates flowing from the Catholic social teaching; Thesis 4: No coherent alternative to anti-consumerism has arisen in the space of Catholic social teaching.pl_PL
dc.publisherKatowice : Uniwersytet Śląskipl_PL
dc.subjectkultura umiarkowaniapl_PL
dc.subjectkatolicka nauka społecznapl_PL
dc.subjectkonsumpcja (ekonomia) - aspekt religijnypl_PL
dc.titleAnty-konsumpcjonizm w perspektywie katolickiej nauki społecznejpl_PL
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Rozprawy doktorskie (W.Teol)

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