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DC poleWartośćJęzyk
dc.contributor.authorOelszlaeger-Kosturek, Beata-
dc.identifier.citationChowanna, 2009, t. jubileuszowy, s. 221-238pl_PL
dc.description.abstractIn this article the author points to spontaneous pupil questions and statements in early primary education as a kind of reflection of objectives and contents of instruction. Both these types of utterance are described with reference to the presence of modality in the degree of subject’s confidence in the previously possessed information and the information acquired in the course of classes. Methods of data analysis are presented through the prism of elements of educational actions – objects which the pupils refer to in their questions or statements. The data for analysis was acquired by means of in-class observation carried out in the first and third grades of primary school.pl_PL
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectspontaneous pupil questions and statementspl_PL
dc.subjectsubject’s confidence in the informationpl_PL
dc.titleZmiana stopnia pewności podmiotu względem posiadanych i odbieranych w toku kształcenia informacji : (wybrane aspekty analizy samorzutnych pytań i stwierdzeń uczniów klas młodszych)pl_PL
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