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Tytuł: Dzieło otwarte — jego istota i cechy
Autor: Barteczko, Maria
Słowa kluczowe: music work; perception of music works; an open music work
Data wydania: 2010
Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Źródło: G. Mendecka (red.), "Oblicza twórczości" (S. 31-51). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstrakt: The starting point for considerations undertaken in the text constitutes creativity in a psychological perspective. The first part includes a definition of creativity, considerations on the creative process, a creative work and its determinants. Preliminary reflections also concern the role of the creative work in the process of communication. Further on, the text, characterizing an open work, refers to music as one of artistic fields where such works are created. On their example the main assumptions contributing to the “openness” of work were presented. Next, the problem of understanding the notion of “openness” with reference to the attitude of the creator, receiver and work was outlined. The considerations were conducted in the light of gestalt psychology considered to be helpful in explaining the relationship between the receiver and the type of work examined. The whole text can be treated as looking for the surface of the mutual permeation of the theory of art and psychology of works. The content is a result of the reflection on a specific type of creative product, e.g. how the interpretation and understanding of such works takes place, what is being communicated and what is being received in the process of their perception. The text does not answer the above‑mentioned questions because the author, asking them, wanted only to show their importance and necessity in exploring the issues of the creative product.
ISBN: 9788322619315
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (WNS)

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