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Tytuł: Wskaźnikowe składniki mineralne w tkance płucnej osób narażonych na pyłowe zanieczyszczenia powietrza w konurbacji katowickiej
Autor: Jabłońska, Mariola
Słowa kluczowe: pylica płuc; czynniki ryzyka; konurbacja katowicka
Data wydania: 2013
Wydawca: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstrakt: The aims of the work was to compare mineral components found in lung tissues of inhabitants of the Katowice Conurbation with dust components of atmospheric pollution in this region. Mineral components of dust reaching lungs can show characteristic features, depend on sources of their emission. Thus they can be considered as emission indicators. In this project the mineral indicators are called these components of mineral substance in lung tissue, which phase and chemical composition together with other particular features can help in the identification of their possible source. Mineralogical investigations with the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and chemical analyses (ICP) were carried out on 34 human lung tissues coming from donors exposed to dust contaminants in the Katowice Conurbation. Samples, from 13 women and 21 men without any cancer cells, were taken as the section material from persons which in their work were not exposed to dust contaminants, and which deceased as a result of accidents. The carried out mineralogical research enabled to find several mineral components in lung tissue. Biogenic carbonates were dominant, including calcite and Mg-calcite. Most of other components were the same as those present in phases of the polluted Katowice Conurbation. Among them were such minerals as: amorphous aluminosilicates with spherical particle shapes, mullite, trydimite, iron oxides (magnetite, hematite, and wustite), other simple oxides, iron sulphides, barite and REE phosphates. They were considered mineral indicators pointing out to anthropogenic origin related to hard coal combustion and processing. Quartz, micas, feldspars, amphiboles and pyroxenes were regarded as indicators of emission from natural sources. The presence of lead and zinc sulphides is related to exploitation or processing of zinc and lead ores. Particles of metallic iron and alloys were included to anthropogenic indicators connected to metallurgical industry. Ferrihydrite and goethite are thought to be products of reaction of lung fluids with mineral particles rich in iron. Calcium phosphate was only rarely found in healthy lung tissues, thus this mineral component was included into biogenic indicators of pathogenic mineralization. In was found that the amount of mineral substances present in lung tissues increases with age. It can be caused by the occurrence of autogenic mineralization related to physiological processes and accumulation of pollution, mainly of anthropogenic origin, as well as increasing pathogenic mineralization, i.e. so called latent mineralization caused by incorporation of some metals into lung tissue. Chemical analyses of selected main elements (Ca, Na Fe, and P) indicated that their concentrations are not related to sex but possibly to age. Among selected minor elements occurring in lung tissue (Zn, Al, K, and Mg) the highest variability of concentrations was shown by zinc and aluminum. It was found that the amount of zinc in lung tissue decreases with age whereas alumina amount increases. It is believed that the age increase of aluminum contents can indicate dissolution of aluminosilicates and accumulation of aluminum in lung tissues. It suggests that aluminum forms latent mineralization. Analysis of selected trace elements (Pb, Cd, Cu, Sr and Mn) shows that their concentrations are not related to sex. Presence of Pb and Cd in lung tissues confirms toxic metal occurrence in the air of the Katowice Conurbation. This work indicates the need to carry out investigations enabling identification of minerals formed in a human organism, which can help in better understanding the influence of environmental factors on human health. The development of these research methods give possibility of close interdisciplinary cooperation of mineralogists, geochemists and physicians.
ISBN: 9788322621899
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (WNP)

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