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Tytuł: Jerozolima pomniejszona, czyli ślad labiryntu w twórczości Tassa i Mickiewicza
Autor: Bąk, Magdalena
Słowa kluczowe: Adam Mickiewicz; Torquato Tasso; Jerozolima w literaturze; Labirynt
Data wydania: 2003
Źródło: Miniatura i Mikrologia Literacka, T. 3 (2003), s. 69-88
Abstrakt: The space in Torquato Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered is shaped in such a way that it resembles a symbolical maze. On the basis of a comparison between Tasso’s poem and Mickiewicz’s Grażyna, we can clearly see the similarities in the method of creating the space. The castle, described laconically in Grażyna, is also a kind of labyrinth, and its interpretation enables us to arrive at the sense of the story of the Lithuanian duchess. This seemingly insignificant trace (judging by the number of verses devoted to the castle) turns then out to be of great importance in the interpretation of the whole poem.
ISSN: 0208-6336
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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