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Tytuł: Konstrukcje analityczne w poezji Młodej Polski
Autor: Loewe, Iwona
Słowa kluczowe: literatura polska; poezja polska; epoki literackie; Młoda Polska; język polski; peryfrazy
Data wydania: 2000
Wydawca: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstrakt: The publication focuses on the problem of the periphrastic predication which in the plan of expression is represented by discontinuous unit of the following form: sinsemantic verb + abstract noun. The work reveals some new functions and possibilities of the stylistic utilisation of periphrastic units in artistic texts, for the analytically expressed predicative content gives multiple stylistic and expressive possibilities. The presence of the discontinuous (with a clearly defined composition) units in the texts of the autotelic function is motivated by the premises of the Young Poland impressionism as well as by the so called nominal style. The predicate expressed analytically renders the contents more precisely, since the semantics of the sign is divided into two reciprocally determined elements. It possesses a multiplied expressive potential as it offers a possibility of expanding the nominal as well as the verbal elements and thus, in poetry, we find a great variantivity of periphrastic structures of different degrees of metaphoricity. The material excerpted has limited the semantics of the predicates to three main lexical fields: emotional states, sensual experiences and natural phenomena. They are the consequence of the tendency to reveal the internal states of the subjects of the poetic worlds, to the presentation of the ways of experiencing by those characters, and not only to the contemplation of the world by them, as well as the will to express the phenomenal and the momentary in the external world (nature), to arrest that world in a single sensation.
ISBN: 8322610351
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Książki/rozdziały (W.Hum.)

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