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Title: Dermografie: poetyka relacji. Wokół związków materii i języka w poezji Joanny Mueller
Authors: Szopa, Katarzyna
Keywords: Skin; New materialism; Onto-epistemologia; Intra-action; Trans-action
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: Praktyka Teoretyczna, 2013, nr 4, s. 138-160
Abstract: Skin, the external boundary of the human body, has been up to now an undiscovered field in postuhman studies. Even though the brilliant work of Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks, redefined the meaning of skin in the context of race, never has anybody truly used the potential of metaphors connected to skin. Sara Ahmed and Jackie Stacey demonstrate that skin-tight politics (which is focused on setting the boundaries of body and gender) leads to a denial of the relationship with otherness and upholds binary traditions. By creating the conception of ‘Thinking through skin’, the researchers call for a shift in the perception of normative visions of corporality. Based on that idea, I treat skin as a metaphor of the changes within philosophical thought which caused the materiality to cease to be from its own area. Demographies will therefore be an intersectional project which combines feminist materialism with Joanna Mueller’s neolinguistic poetry which aspires to create a new philosophy, understood by Lucie Irigaray as the discourse of touching love.
DOI: 10.14746/prt.2013.4.7
ISSN: 2081-8130
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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