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Title: Świadomość regionalna młodzieży na pograniczu polsko-czeskim
Authors: Grabowska, Barbara
Keywords: szkolna edukacja regionalna; Śląsk Cieszyński; edukacja międzykulturowa
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Citation: T. Lewowicki, E. Ogrodzka-Mazur, A. Szczurek-Boruta (red.), "Edukacja międzykulturowa w Polsce i na świecie" (S. 265-278). Katowice : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Abstract: Regional consciousness in this part of social consciousness that defines one's attitude to the region, expressed through its value consciousness. The author, describing a regional consciousness takes into account: - attitudes toward the habitation region, - evaluation of the region specifics, - knowledge about the region, - evaluation of the region’s characteristics, - young people’s opinion concerning the need to introduce regional education to the school programs. Within the frames of regional school education young people have the opportunity to learn about the past and culture. The knowledge of the cultural output of the previous generations, of the sources of the continuity and strength of tradition, facilitates the process of “rooting” an individual in a local “fatherland”. First, we become the members of local community, a small “homeland” that defines our identity. Then, the process of identification with the country of origin, with our fatherland stans. It gives an individual a sense of safety and prepares him or her to participate in the community of mankind. The education of the future man. endowed with cultural competence, and able to initiate the intercultural dialogue, should be founded on the basis of regional culture. The characteristic feature of regional consciousness of the Cieszyn young generation is strong identification with the region, and positive feelings toward it. The students are convinced of separateness of the Cieszyn region and see lots of its positive features, mostly related to its culture, landscape, and nature. However, the knowledge about the region remain a neglected field. Young people notice the need to extend their school education by introduction of regional elements, accentuating the need to learn regional rituals. Regional consciousness of the young people from the Cieszyn region confirms their positive attitude toward the region’s culture and its past.
ISBN: 8322609779
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WSiNoE)

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