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Title: Zagadnienie zjednoczenia dwóch państw niemieckich w polityce zagranicznej Polski w latach sześćdziesiątych
Authors: Stolarczyk, Mieczysław
Keywords: Polska; polityka zagraniczna; stosunki zagraniczne; Niemieckia Republika Demokratyczna; Republika Federalna Niemiec; zjednoczenie
Issue Date: 1989
Publisher: Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski
Citation: J. Przewłocki (red.), "Wybrane problemy polskiej polityki zagranicznej lat sześćdziesiątych" (S. 25-39). Katowice : Uniwersytet Śląski
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to present certain aspects of Poland’s attitude towards the question of the partition and reunion of the two German states in the nineteen sixties. This decade is the last in the post-war history of People’s Poland in which the matter of unity of the German states was taken up by the Polish foreign policy decision makers. A considerable evolution in the Polish attitude towards the question of reunification of DDR and GFR was also seen in this decade. The author has attempted to trace this evolution. Together with the socio-political changes taking place in both the German states and the ongoing process of divergence between DDR and GFR actually taking place, a distinct shift in emphasis was found in Poland’s declared conception of German reunification. At the end of the nineteen sixties, if Polish politicians actually mentioned the feasibility of eventual German reunification this was usually referred to in such terms as „history will solve this problem”. In the context of contemporary political realities the two-statefltatus of Germany was perceived as one of the guarantees of Polish security and of peace in Europe.
ISBN: 83-226-0247-2
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WNS)

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