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Title: Stosunki demograficzne Gliwic, Bytomia i Zabrza w latach 1945-1950
Authors: Fic, Maciej
Keywords: demografia Gliwic 1945-1950; demografia Zabrza 1945-1950; demografia Bytomia 1945-1950
Issue Date: 2001
Citation: "Wieki stare i nowe" T. 2 (2001) s. 227-243
Abstract: Maciej Fic focuses on the demographic relations in the Upper Silesia in the years 1945 -1950, as exemplified by the situation in the three cities: Gliwice, Bytom, and Zabrze. He analyses the influence of natural and enforced migration on the population of these cities. Mass migration, connected with the changes in the political borders after the World War II and great masses of people being forced to move from the east to the west, had in the Upper Silesia numerous social and political consequences which the author addresses in his article.
ISSN: 1899-1556
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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