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Title: Wojciech Korfanty i Chrześcijańska Demokracja wobec mniejszości niemieckiej w województwie śląskim
Authors: Wanatowicz, Maria W.
Keywords: Wojciech Korfanty; Chrześcijańska Demokracja; mniejszość niemiecka na Śląsku
Issue Date: 2001
Citation: "Wieki stare i nowe" T. 2 (2001), s. 194-226
Abstract: Maria Wanda Wanatowicz presents the positions of Wojciech Korfanty and the Christian Democratic Party on the German question. The article contains many examples showing that, apart from antagonistic attitudes, there were many links between the Polish and German communities that could lead to nonantagonistic co-existence. The article points to the great influence of the international, Polish-German relations on the co-existence of both ethnic groups.
ISSN: 1899-1556
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WNS)

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