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Title: Miłośnicy światów równoległych : reportażowe oblicza współczesnego kanonu lekturowego
Authors: Przyklenk, Joanna
Keywords: non‑fiction literature; reportage; reception; concept of a map; Nike Literary Award
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Język Artystyczny, T. 16 (2017), s. 167-188
Abstract: The article is composed of two parts. In the first one, the author discusses the problems connected with the popularity of the so‑called non‑fiction literature in present‑day culture. The issue is considered in the context of books nominated for Nike Literary Award and reports presenting the state and needs of readership in Poland. Focusing on one of the factual genres, i.e. the reportage, the author has recognised the following as qualitatively important in its reception: factuality, multiplicity of viewpoints, openness and stylistic abundance. In the second part of the article, considering reportage as a journey and a map leading the reader across unknown worlds, the author has focused on different ways of presenting parallel, therefore strange, worlds, including the other, characterising the interdependency between the structure, the convention of reportage narration, objectifying strategy and the way of formulating the problem of the otherness. Also, the concept of a map has been discussed, approximating the character of its reportage presentations in the texts under analysis.
ISSN: 0209-3731
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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