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Title: Biograficzna pamięć miasta. Jak opowiedzieć Cieszyn?
Other Titles: The biographical memory of a town. How to “tell” Cieszyn?
Authors: Sieroń, Dorota
Keywords: town; biographical memory of a town; heritage; memory of a town
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: "Cieszyński Almanach Pedagogiczny" Nr 6 (2019), s. 11-19
Abstract: The references and a comprehensive discussion concerning a study devoted to the history of Lviv, written by Ola Hnatiuk, becomes the starting point for thoughtful reflection upon the biographical memory of a town. The author provides encouragement to introduce the humanistic perspective (taking into account the personal dimension of the town) instead of the narration about the town memory conducted so far. What becomes an important reference for these considerations is Cieszyn. Indicating several possible narrations about the town on the Olza River is aimed at providing incentive to tell tales about Cieszyn, as every town (or its inhabitants in fact) need to tell their stories about the town – to create its biographical memory.
ISSN: 2300-3006
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WSiNoE)

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