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Title: Disabled youth facing the problem of unemployment and challenges of education in life environment
Authors: Suchodolska, Jolanta
Keywords: young people; disability; life environment
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Toruń : Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Citation: T. Lewowicki, E. Ogrodzka-Mazur, A. Gajdzica (ed.), A. Cienciała (transl.), "Borderland Sociopathology and Education : 20 years of Chair and Research Group of General Pedagogy 1989-2009" (S. 182-199). Toruń : Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Abstract: The analysis of individual development of every young person allows for noticing that the course of all developmental changes is determined by a real multitude of factors, such as: developmental potentialities, family and school situation, relations with peer group, and – in later periods – social and professional activeness. On one hand, they all constitute a powerful field of interaction; on the other – they become a platform for experiencing one’s own potentialities, abilities and competences. If the above mentioned factors arrange unfavourably, the existing deficiencies, developmental barriers and their socio-psychological correlations will fortify their disturbing influence. However, if the environmental factors are oriented towards supporting individual development, some mechanisms and strategies of potential resourcefulness will be created, with full regard to the subject’s chances and possibilities. In this case, favourable conditions will appear for both gaining independence and experiencing satisfaction in various areas of life dependently on the goals of the individual.In the context of the above mentioned determinants, which take part in self-fulfillment, a special attention is drawn to the discussion on human disability. It is treated as a state which substantially disturbs (among other agents) the expected effects of social learning, as well as of existential and socio-cultural self-fulfillment. The notion of disability, Youth in the face of unemployment problems and educational challengens which refers (dependently on the applied perspective) to different types of disorders with various pathogenesis, comprises one common distinctive feature.
ISBN: 978-83-7611-445-3
Appears in Collections:Książki/rozdziały (WSiNoE)

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