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Title: (Ne)prisutnost hrvatske književnosti u Poljskoj
Other Titles: Nieobecna. Zarys dziejów polskich przekładów literatury chorwackiej
Authors: Małczak, Leszek
Keywords: przekład literacki; historia przekładów; literatura chorwacka; Jugosławia; Chorwacja; zabory; okres międzywojenny; PRL; Bałkany
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: "Republika” nr 1/2 (2018), s. 117-126
Abstract: There are five periods in the history of literary and cultural ties between Croatia and Poland: the first from the 14th to the end of the 18th century, the second from the 19th century to 1914, the third from 1918 to 1939, the fourth from 1944 to 1989, and the fifth from 1990 to the present day. As the history of Croatian literature is divided into older and recent Croatian literature, so can these five periods be divided into older and recent literary and cultural ties between Croatia and Poland. The older one coincides with the first period, i.e. the one from the 14th century to the end of the 18th century, while the recent one started in the 19th century, and covers the four subsequent periods. The dividing line between the two periods, i.e. the older and the recent, is the moment when the very first translations from Croatian into Polish appeared on the wave of Romantic and pan-Slavic ideas. This moment is crucial because it is only through translation – and interpretation – of one culture into another that one can get to know the Other, in our case Croatian culture in Polish culture.
ISSN: 0350-1337
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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