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Tytuł: Kondycja spektaklu : produkt, próżnia, przyspieszenie
Autor: Mazurek, Marcin
Słowa kluczowe: spectacle; simulacrum; identity formation; political and media-related discourses
Data wydania: 2002
Źródło: Er(r)go, Nr 5, z. 2 (2002) s. 33-41
Abstrakt: The article aims at a critical explication of two attempts to frame the distorted sense of the real, firstly. through the notion of the spectacle (Guy Debord) and then the simulacrum (Jean Baudrillard). Both concepts, though they originated in political and media-related discourses, stress the autonomy of representation and its close relationship with conditions of contemporary social existence as well as with the process of identity formation, the latter to a large extent informed by the total substitution of the material by the mediated.
ISSN: 1508-6305
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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