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Title: Oficyny drukarskie pierwszej połowy XVI wieku w zbiorach Biblioteki Fundacji Wiktora hr. Baworowskiego we Lwowie
Authors: Ogierman, Leonard
Keywords: Lviv; Wiktor Baworowski; Baworovianum; typography; 16th century; Lwów; typografia; XVI w.
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Bibliotheca Nostra” (Nr 4 (2018), s. 101-107
Abstract: The library collection of Wiktor Baworowski from the 16th century is dominated by prints from Cracow workshops. Jan Haller finds a privileged position there as a printer in 38 places. The oldest is from 1506, and the last in this collection dates at 1522. Prints coming from Hieronim Wietor workshops are equally numerous. The oldest items from 1611-1512 come from the Viennese period of the printer‘s activity. The last Cracow print is dated 1545. There are 48 prints that come from the workshop of Florian Ungler and the one run by the widow and other heirs. The oldest objects come from 1512. The last Cracow print signed with the address of the widow Unglerowa is dated 1550. The collection also contains 39 prints pressed at the Cracow publishing house of Maciej Scharffenberg. The oldest of them appeared in 1527. The last item by this printer comes from 1547. The remaining prints of Cracow ‚s origin are supposed to be the work of Marek and Hieronim Scharffenberg, Jan Halicz and Łazarz Andrysowic. The oldest two items from 1504 and 1505 are represented by the workshops of Kasper Hochfeder. Baworovianum also contains 50 prints made in the then-valued printing centers. They are (in alphabetical order): Augsburg, Basel, Cologne, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Metz, Nuremberg, Paris, Rome, Strasbourg, Venice and Wittenbergia.
ISSN: 2084-5464
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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