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Title: Kto nie pracuje ten nie zwraca, czyli o kulturze pracy
Authors: Rachwał, Tadeusz
Keywords: teoria kultury; praca; wytwarzanie; kapitalizm
Issue Date: 2000
Citation: "Er(r)go" (2000), Nr 1, z. 1, s. 73-82
Abstract: Who Does Not Work Does Not Return: On the Culture of Labour Abstract in English The essay offers a view of modem European culture from the perspective of broadly understood “returning” which constitutes an economic, ethical and aesthetic principle of the mythologisation of exteriority as the main, though not exclusive, area of the creative activity of the human subject.The “sub-ject” is discursively constructed as an “e-ject” born out of the bowels of its/his/her own contraries. In the latter part of the essay the author discusses Zygmunt Bauman's distinction between anthropophagic and anthropoemic cultures. Representatives of the anthropophagic culture devour their own species in opposition to the anthropoemic culture which is a culture of emission or “vomitting,” as Bauman has it.
ISSN: 2544-3186
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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