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Tytuł: "Homo, res infelix et miser" - la dottrina arnobiana sull'uomo
Autor: Kucz, Anna
Słowa kluczowe: Arnobius; Adversus Nationes; classical tradition; Latin literature
Data wydania: 2008
Źródło: Scripta Classcia, Vol. 5 (2008), s. 79-85
Abstrakt: The article presents Arnobius’s points of view concerning the world and human creation. Following the author of the books - Adversus Nationes - a Christian believer - one would expect the approval of the Book o f Genesis. Paradoxically, though, his views disapprove of monoteistic creationism, and, at the same time, are against the Book o f Genesis. What was outlined was an Arnobius (extremely pessimistic) vision of the human condition, the main aim of which should be care of soul salvation.
ISSN: 1732-3509
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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