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Title: W uniwersum „nie ma”. Transmedialne „prawdy” Mariusza Szczygła wobec przemian poetyki reportażu literackiego
Authors: Frukacz, Katarzyna
Keywords: literary reportage; media convergence; transmedia storytelling; Mariusz Szczygieł
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: "Postscriptum Polonistyczne" Nr 1 (2020), s. 217-233
Abstract: The paper concerns the documentary project focused on the books Projekt: prawda [Project: Truth] and Nie ma [Not There] by Mariusz Szczygieł. The publications are discussed in terms of the characteristics of a transmedia story in which the original books develop through a narrative connection to a complex of complementary press, internet, stage and audio sources. The author provides an overview of the main components of Szczygieł’s project and an analysis of the interaction programmed between them. She subsequently refers this to the assumptions of what is referred to as transmedia genology in order to show the changes in the poetics of Polish literary reportage under the influence of media digitisation and convergence.
DOI: 10.31261/PS_P.2020.25.16
ISSN: 2353-9844
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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