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Title: Parties du corps "sous-estimees" par la langue
Authors: Grigowicz, Anna
Keywords: Lexicographic extension; body parts; object class; operator; attribute; extension
Issue Date: 2008
Citation: Neophilologica, T. 20, (2008), s. 91-99
Abstract: The article focuses on the lexicographic description of the semantic field of human body parts. The author’s analysis of 89 words belonging to the semantic field in question here is presented from the point of view of object classes proposed by Wiesław Banyś. The analysis concentrates on the problem of the number of predicates that characterize particular body parts. Some of the nouns denoting body parts are described with the use of a large number of attributes, operators and extensions in both the languages, some others, on the other hand, appear in only a few uses. Another fact, worth mentioning here, is that some of the nouns denoting body parts through lack of attributes and operators appear only in metaphoric uses.
ISSN: 2353-088X
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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