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Title: Kategoria traumy w Kai Silverman koncepcji "męskiej podmiotowości na marginesach"
Authors: Śmieja, Wojciech
Keywords: trauma; masculinity; dominant fiction; phallus; hegemony
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: "Rana. Literatura – Doświadczenie – Tożsamość" Nr 1 (2020), s. 29-41
Abstract: The article is an attempt to present the importance of the category of trauma in the titular concept of Kaja Silverman’s "Male Subjectivity at the Margins" published in 1992. Her theoretical work appeared at the same time as other important gender and queer theories developed by Judith Butler, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick or Pierre Bourdieu (also R.W. Connell’s seminal work on masculinity published a little bit later in 1995). Silverman’s work has similar scope as the remaining mentioned works, but it has never reached their level of popularity and its position within the field of gender studies is constantly underestimated. This article focuses on possibilities offered by Silverman’s approach for gender research.
DOI: 10.31261/Rana.2020.1.02
ISSN: 2719-5767
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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