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Title: Uwagi o przyrodniczych aspektach atrakcyjności turystycznej Japonii
Other Titles: On environmental aspects of tourist attractiveness of Japan - stereotypes confronted with travel experience
Authors: Myga-Piątek, Urszula
Keywords: natural and landscape value; tourist attractiveness; spatial management; Japan
Issue Date: 2010
Citation: Czasopismo Techniczne. Architektura, R. 107, z. 12 (2010) s. 253-274
Abstract: The paper presents the natural values of Japan as one of the main pillars of tourist attractiveness. Many people from the western civilization perceive the land of the rising sun through a number of clear symbols – stereotypes associated with Japan. Most of these mental icons refer to the culture, architecture, and social or personality traits of the citizens. Associated with large cities and hi-tech industries, only to a small extent is Japan popularized by the image of unique values of its natural environment. This is why the aim of this article is to present the environmental peculiarities of the Japanese islands, in which a vast tourist potential can be revealed.
ISSN: 0011-4561
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WNP)

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