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Title: Hadżi Dimityr Christo Botewa – obce elementy kulturowe w polskich przekładach
Other Titles: Hadzhi Dimitar by Hristo Botev – the foreign cultural elements in Polish translations
Authors: Gołek-Sepetliewa, Dorota
Keywords: Botev; foreign cultural elements; Hadzhi Dimitar; translation
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: "Między Oryginałem a Przekładem", T. 28, 2015, s. 107-121
Abstract: The famous poetic work by Bulgarian artist Christo Botev - the romantic ballad Hadzhi Dimitar is full of foreign cultural elements that are recognized by Polish readers. This poem ia an important center in the Bulgarian national discourse, inspired by southslavic folklore, strongly influenced by the hajduk-legend, it mythologizes important Bulgarian event (the death of Hadzhi Dimitar and Stefan Karadzha on Mount Buzludzha). The analysis and interpretation of the oryginal text and two Polish translations by Z. Wolnikówna and W. Broniewski, allow to answer the followiing questions: if translators are intermediaries and interpreters of te elements of a foreign culture? Which strategies areused translators to effective communication between the Bulgarian and Polish cultures? Do translations give a fair and accurate representation of the oryginal poem?
DOI: 10.12797/MOaP.21.2015.28.08
ISSN: 1689-9121
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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