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Title: Zdrowie jako determinant ludzkiego potencjału
Authors: Dworak, Alina
Keywords: health; development; determinant; potential
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Chowanna, Nr 1, (2015), s. 151-163
Abstract: Health as a universally desirable value conditions the acquisition of numerous goods and resources which determine the quality of life, being the factor of social differentiation at the same time. An individual living in a particular environment has specific needs and by means of his or her behaviour aims at satisfying them. This provides both biological and social balance. Such balance ensures good physical and mental state, otherwise known as health. Human possibilities are unlimited and changeable. However, regardless of the level of the development, time and place they are good for health which ensures access to knowledge, material and intellectual resources and provide better quality of life.
ISSN: 2353-9682
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WNS)

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