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Tytuł: Gustaw Herling-Grudziński as a reader of Conrad
Autor: Adamowicz-Pośpiech, Agnieszka
Słowa kluczowe: Gustaw Herling- Grudziński; Joseph Conrad; recepcja
Data wydania: 2007
Źródło: "Yearbook of Conrad Studies. Poland", Vol. 3, 2007, s. 181-193
Abstrakt: Conrad as a guiding literary fi gure throughout his peripatetic years as an émigré. In one of his interviews Herling-Grudziński elaborated on that choice: "Why Conrad is close to me as a writer? Because I share his principles: to be faithful to yourself, to be loyal to the cause you have taken up. This is not my latest literary infatuation. I have appreciated the author of Lord Jim since I was a youth and I have remained faithful to him. When I read Conrad, I breathe a different kind of air [...]".
ISSN: 1899-3028
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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