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Title: Duchowny wobec obowiązku denuncjacji przestępstw seksualnych na podstawie art. 240 Kodeksu karnego
Authors: Dappa, Rafał
Keywords: denunciation obligation; the Penal Code, Article 240, § 1; Guidelines of Polish Episcopal Conference; obowiązek denuncjacji; art. 240 Kodeksu karnego; Wytyczne Konferencji Episkopatu Polski
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: "Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN. Oddział w Lublinie" (2018), T. 11, nr 1, s. 37-49
Abstract: 13 July 2017 is the day when an amendment of the Penal Code, Article 240, §1 entered in the force. According to this amendment, a catalogue of offences, which are subject to denunciation obligation (reporting to law enforcement authorities), has been widened. Among crimes added to the catalogue, the Penal Code, Article 240, there are inter alia, sexual crimes against juveniles, mentioned in the Penal Code, Article 197 § 3 or 4, Article 198 and in Article 200. Following article brings closer contents of amended penal law as well as relevant Guidelines of Polish Episcopal Conference concerning application of this law by clergymen.
ISSN: 2719-7379
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Teol)

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