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Tytuł: Powrót do przyszłości Paula A. Rotha : historia i nauka jako racjonalne działanie człowieka (ponownie)
Autor: Kowalewski-Jahromi, Piotr
Słowa kluczowe: Paul A. Roth,; historical explanation; historical narrative; history of science; wyjaśnianie historyczne; narracja historyczna; historia nauki
Data wydania: 2020
Źródło: "Historyka" T. 50 (2020), s. 461-485
Abstrakt: The main goal of this paper is to present a fully developed concept of Paul A. Roth’s philosophy of history to the Polish reader. Of course, it is just an introduction, but with the interview it should be a good starting point for further analysis. These seem desirable given Roth’s very ambitious programme, which in addition is based on “old facts”; that is, an analytical philosophy of history and science. The rapprochement between the two “visions” is not only a philosophical consideration, but also responds to the often-raised voices of practitioners. This introduction refers primarily to Roth’s latest book, indicating a possible interpretation. This “reading” is conducted by indicating the historical context, recalling philosophical analyses and determining the validity of the proposed solutions in order to decide how much science there is in history and vice versa.
DOI: 10.24425/hsm.2020.134814
ISSN: 0073-277X
Pojawia się w kolekcji:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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