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Title: Społeczno-środowiskowa perspektywa zagrożeń zdrowia pokolenia młodych dorosłych
Authors: Bulska, Joanna
Dworak, Alina
Keywords: generation; young adults; health; threats
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Chowanna, T. Jubileuszowy (2019), s. 417-429
Abstract: The generation of the turn of the 20th/21st century is given to live in a new, changing reality. Modern, young generation entering adulthood is brought up in a post-transformation society, dominated by consumption, accelerated pace of life and threats occurring in all spheres of its functioning. In Poland, socio-cultural transformation has become for young adults not only a source of new challenges, opportunities, but also of threats. The consequences of the transformations are difficulties of (especially) the young generation in adapting to the ever-changing, unstable reality. The rapid changes in the surrounding reality have inspired research on the problems of growing up (including risky and harmful behaviours), and the difficulties of a generation growing up in an unstable reality.
DOI: 10.31261/CHOWANNA.2019.S.23
ISSN: 2353-9682
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WNS)

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