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Title: Motywacja do zawarcia małżeństwa w świetle teorii konfliktu motywów Kurta Lewina
Other Titles: Motivation to conclude marriage in light of Kurt Lewin's theory of conflict of motives
Authors: Juroszek, Weronika
Keywords: motivation; marriage; Lewin’s typology of conflicts
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: "Rozprawy Społeczne", 2015, nr 1, s. 28-34
Abstract: In this article the author analyses the problem of motivation to conclude a marriage in light of the theory of conflict of motives, particularly in relation to the approach-avoidance conflict, which is related to the impact of two contradictory to each other motives of similar intensity. It was emphasized that young people nowadays experience more and more the conflict of two types of motives – pro and anti –marriage. In the classification of motives internal and external motivation was considered. Long-term influence of two antagonist forces on a person may result in depression, despondency, apathy and helplessness. The author also presented interdependence of the approach-avoidance conflict and reluctance to marry.
ISSN: 2081-6081
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Teol)

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