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Title: Registrum hominum ius civile susceptorum : rejestr przyjęć do prawa miejskiego Proszowic z XV wieku
Other Titles: Registrum hominum ius civile susceptorum : records of the freemen of the Town Proszowice in the 15th century
egistrum hominum ius civile susceptorum : Register der Annahme des Bürgerrechtes von Proszowice vom 15. Jahrhundert
Authors: Nabiałek, Karol
Keywords: town; townspeople; registry; freemen; town charter; ius civile; Proszowice
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: "Średniowiecze Polskie i Powszechne", T. 10, 2018, s. 144-191
Abstract: The article concerns a critical edition of one of the oldest Polish records of entry to the town charter. The records of new inhabitants of Proszowice dating 1420—1499 have been preserved in three different manuscripts kept in the National Archive in Cracow (set: Variae civitates et villae: no. 29/121, signatures 160, 166, 167). The characteristic feature of the records documenting the entry of new inhabitants in Proszowice is the scattering of the entries and their irregular placement on the empty parts of the manuscripts. It is only after collecting and ordering all the entries that it is possible to produce a list of the new inhabitants of the town. Overall, 182 entries have been found and issued which concerned the entry into the iuris civilis in Proszowice, granting the citizenship to 183 people. The register constitutes a valuable source for the study of the urban society, urban migrations, medieval economy, town charter and legal requirements for the new citizens.
ISSN: 2080-492X
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (WNS)

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