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Title: Historycznie o podstawach słowotwórczych rzeczowników polskich
Authors: Kleszczowa, Krystyna
Keywords: rzeczowniki; słowotwórstwo; polskie słowotwórstwo
Issue Date: 2010
Citation: LingVaria, 2010, nr 2, s. 59-67
Abstract: The author tries to prove that in the historical Polish language nouns tend toward substantive derivations (deverbative and adjectival derivations being in decline). The main reason why substantive deriva-tions are on the rise are contacts with other languages, mostly non-Slavic. We have been borrowing mostly nouns. One example is strengthening of the paradigmatic type ending in a consonant in the nominative (fi lozof, fi lolog, chemik), masculine – into -a (lingwista, banita, logopeda). Substantive derivations greatly strengthened prefi xoids bio-, auto-, porno-, -holizm, etc. Reasons for the spread of substantive derivations were also already present within the word-formation system. A certain weakness may be seen in substantive-derived adjectives. It has happened that a derivational chain lost an adjectival link, with motivation shifting onto the noun, cf. jedwabnik ← jedwabny (robak) [silkworm], today from jedwab [silk]. The effect of declining deverbative derivation also stems from the strength in early ages of written Polish (14th−16th centuries) since it was a time of much change in verbs after aspect appeared.
ISSN: 2392-1226
Appears in Collections:Artykuły (W.Hum.)

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